Biology 9700/41 May June 2020 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Cell signaling stages of ACTH involving adrenal glands, feedback inhibition by cortisol, and implications of Cushing’s disease.
2. Genetic inheritance patterns in patty pan squash fruit color, dihybrid crosses, and the role of recombinant squash varieties.
3. Evolution and speciation of Leopardus populations, genetic differences, and forensic DNA analysis for species identification.
4. Mitochondrial complex I deficiency caused by mtDNA mutations, impacts on muscle function, and ethical considerations of extensive genetic screening.
5. Yeast cell transcription regulation in response to sugar availability, tagged transcription factors, and limitations of immunofluorescent tagging.
6. Pyruvate metabolism under aerobic and anaerobic conditions, respiratory substrates in hummingbirds, and benefits of diet-derived respiration during exercise.

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