Biology 9700/43 Oct Nov 2020 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
- Transverse section of maize leaf, C4 plant, photosynthesis adaptation, high temperatures, epidermal layer, PEP carboxylase.
- Genetic variation in goats, nucleotide position 5752, growth factor gene, milk yield comparison, CC, CG, GG genotypes.
- Hardy-Weinberg principle application, allele frequencies, genotype predictions, population equilibrium, statistical tests.
- DNA barcoding, species identification, mitochondrial gene, subspecies evolution, migratory behavior, genetic distinctness.
- Sickle cell anemia, HbA and HbS alleles, mutation effects, fetal hemoglobin, gene expression control, gel electrophoresis diagnosis.
- Palm oil production, biodiversity importance, sustainable practices, consumer influence, environmental impact, deforestation consequences.

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