Biology 9700/42 March 2022 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
- European hedgehog population dynamics, invasive species, genetic variation, recessive alleles, environmental adaptation.
- Giant axonal neuropathy (GAN), mitochondrial function, nerve conduction velocity, action potential transmission, gene therapy efficacy.
- Sickle cell anaemia, gene mutation effects, oxygen-carrying capacity, blood transfusion risks, circulatory overload mechanisms.
- Kidney disease correlation with transfusion-associated circulatory overload (TACO), risk factors, physiological responses, diuretic effects.
- Meiosis, genetic variation mechanisms, crossing over, phenotypic ratios, chi-squared analysis, selective breeding challenges.
- Recombinant human factor VIII, genetic engineering sources, promoter function, enzyme synthesis, crop yield improvement strategies.

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