Biology 9700/42 May June 2022 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
- Jaguar fur color genetics, melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R), eumelanin, phaeomelanin, TYR gene mutation, phenotype description.
- Photosynthesis limiting factors, light intensity, carbon dioxide concentration, Calvin cycle, RuBP, GP, TP, dry conditions impact.
- Genetic modification, SBPase enzyme, GM wheat plants (Sox4), biomass measurement, percentage change calculation, environmental factors.
- Aerobic respiration, link reaction, oxygen availability, cytoplasmic respiration stages, energy yield comparison.
- Genetic engineering techniques, plasmid vectors, gene editing, CRISPR system, marker genes, protein production changes.
- Population dynamics, mark-release-recapture method, conservation status, threats to African penguin, population decline calculation, kingdom Animalia characteristics.

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