Biology 9700/21 May June 2023 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Identification of cellular structures and their functions in plant stems, emphasizing gas exchange, ribosome production, ion transport, and aerobic respiration.
2. Analysis of glycogen and cellulose structures, highlighting their differences and roles in animal and plant cells, including energy storage and structural integrity.
3. Examination of sucrose transport and hydrolysis in grapevines, focusing on facilitated diffusion through hexose transporters and potential agricultural improvements.
4. Role of non-self antigens and antigen presentation in immune responses, with macrophage-T-lymphocyte interactions leading to pathogen-specific defenses.
5. DNA replication processes, emphasizing the functions of DNA polymerase and DNA ligase, and stages of the cell cycle, including interphase and metaphase.
6. Capillary structure-function relationship in muscle tissues, detailing oxygen and carbon dioxide transport dynamics and the chloride shift during gas exchange.
7. Water movement in plants through the symplast and apoplast pathways, highlighting structures like the Casparian strip and processes like transpiration and diffusion.

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