Biology 9700/33 May June 2023 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Investigation of milk density variations using proportional dilutions, measuring time for milk drops to sink through copper sulfate solution, and recording results in tabular form.
2. Analysis of temperature effects on milk density, plotting data, and evaluating hypotheses on density-temperature relationships.
3. Comparative microscopy of plant sections, creating plan diagrams and detailed xylem vessel drawings, emphasizing structural differences and similarities in vascular bundles.
4. Use of scale bars in photomicrographs for calculating actual lengths of observed features, applying measurements in practical microscopy.
5. Identification of procedural errors in experiments and proposing methodological improvements to enhance accuracy and reliability.
6. Emphasis on scientific skills, including data analysis, graphical representation, and precise observational techniques in plant anatomy and experimental setups.

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