Chemistry 9701/04 Oct Nov 2002 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Electrode Potential and Reaction Setup: Designing and identifying apparatus for measuring the standard electrode potential of copper and iron electrodes, calculating the E°cell for reactions involving iron and copper.
2. Thermodynamics and Lattice Energy: Using Born-Haber cycles to calculate lattice energy for sodium oxide, understanding lattice energy trends, and comparing the lattice energy of magnesium oxide to sodium oxide.
3. Group Chemistry: Investigating the melting point trends and structure of Group IV elements, the behavior of CCl₄ and SiCl₄ with water, and their respective chemical reactions.
4. Transition Elements and Reactivity: Describing the differences in properties between transition metals (like iron) and s-block metals (like calcium), explaining the formation of different oxidation states, and understanding the decomposition of iron ores.
5. Nitration and Organic Reactions: Conducting nitration of benzene to form nitrobenzene, drawing reaction intermediates, and explaining the reaction mechanism. Additionally, studying the reduction of aromatic compounds in perfume synthesis.
6. Amines and Amides: Understanding the formation of amides from acyl chlorides and amines, synthesizing amines from alkyl halides, and discussing the polymerization process for producing Kevlar and its unique strength properties.

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