Chemistry 9701/05 May June 2004 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Zinc and Copper Sulphate Reaction: Determining the enthalpy change for the reaction between zinc and copper sulphate, measuring temperature changes and calculating moles of reactants involved, with a focus on heat energy production and enthalpy change for the reaction.
2. Titration Data and Calculation: Using titration data to determine the amount of sodium thiosulphate used, the amount of iodine displaced in reactions, and calculating the concentration of chlorine in bleach (Superclean).
3. Planning Experimental Setups: Designing experiments to measure the volume of gas produced during a reaction (lithium with water), including collecting gas and using appropriate equipment, with consideration for safety measures and experimental accuracy.
4. Calculation of Lithium's Relative Atomic Mass: Using gas volume data from a reaction between lithium and water to estimate the relative atomic mass of lithium and evaluating the precision of the result.
5. Practical Techniques for Accurate Measurements: Suggesting techniques for obtaining a more accurate value for lithium's relative atomic mass through further analysis of the remaining aqueous lithium hydroxide and explaining the reasons for its accuracy.

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