Chemistry 9701/01 Oct Nov 2004 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Chemical Reactions and Equilibria: Understanding the reactions of halogenoalkanes, the identification of bond energies and elements, and interpreting chemical equations in the context of halogenation and redox reactions.
2. Gas Laws and Bond Energies: Exploring gas laws, the behavior of gases at different temperatures, and calculating pressure, volume, and moles of gases involved in chemical reactions, such as the decomposition of water and reactions in industrial processes.
3. Spectroscopy and Isomerism: Analyzing mass spectra, understanding isotopes, and identifying the types of isomerism present in organic compounds, as well as determining reaction mechanisms and bond formation.
4. Organic Chemistry Reactions: Investigating functional group transformations in alcohols, aldehydes, carboxylic acids, and esters, with an emphasis on the synthesis, oxidation, and reduction reactions, including the production of specific chemicals like pentaerythritol and ethanol.
5. Thermodynamics and Enthalpy: Evaluating enthalpy changes, understanding the factors that influence reaction spontaneity, and calculating enthalpy changes for reactions, including combustion, oxidation, and complex formation.
6. Electrochemistry: Analyzing electrolysis experiments to determine the Faraday constant and using the appropriate equations to calculate values for Avogadro’s constant.

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