Chemistry 9701/04 May June 2005 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Faraday Constant Experiment: Involves an electrolysis setup to determine the Faraday constant, including measuring hydrogen production, and calculating the Avogadro constant using given values for the charge on the electron and Faraday constant.
2. Reaction Rate Determination: Investigating the order of a reaction with respect to reactants, analyzing initial rates for the reaction of propanone, hydrogen ions, and cyanide ions, and proposing a mechanism based on rate law results.
3. Limestone Reactions: Decomposition of calcium carbonate and its use in agriculture and industry, including calculations for enthalpy changes and mass loss during heating of dolomite, as well as explaining temperature dependencies for decomposition.
4. Iron Chemistry: Involves the identification of the electronic configuration of iron, properties of iron compounds, and titration with potassium manganate(VII). It also includes the explanation of ligand and complex formation and understanding the role of iron in biological systems like hemoglobin.
5. Ethyne Reactions: The combustion of ethyne, its production from calcium carbide, bond energy calculations for combustion enthalpy changes, and understanding the reaction mechanisms for its use in oxy-acetylene torches.
6. Halogen Reactions: Examining the reactions of magnesium halides with concentrated sulfuric acid, analyzing color changes, and determining the nature of precipitates formed with silver nitrate and ammonia.
7. Alcohols and Organic Chemistry: Allyl alcohol reactions with halogens, oxidation to propanal, mechanisms for organic transformations, isomerism in propanal and allyl alcohol, and the use of reagents for selective transformations.
8. Substitution Reactions: Understanding substitution reactions involving halogenoalkanes, including the formation of ethanol from bromoethane, and explaining the conditions required for these reactions.

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