Chemistry 9701/05 May June 2005 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Carbonate Reaction with Hydrochloric Acid: Performing an experiment to measure the volume of carbon dioxide evolved from a carbonate reacting with hydrochloric acid, and calculating the relative atomic mass of X based on the measured gas volume.
2. Titration of Hydrochloric Acid: Using sodium hydroxide to titrate the hydrochloric acid in the second experiment to determine the concentration of hydrochloric acid.
3. Thermometric Titration: Performing a thermometric titration to find the end-point by observing temperature changes and using this data to calculate the concentration of hydrochloric acid in a solution.
4. Error Analysis: Identifying sources of error in measurements, such as inaccuracies in the thermometer and volume measurements, and proposing solutions to minimize these errors.
5. Improvement in Experimental Accuracy: Suggesting methods to improve the accuracy of experiments, such as dissolving sodium carbonate in acid to stabilize reaction conditions.
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باز نشر محتواها در فضای مجازی، ممنوع است.