Chemistry 9701/03 May June 2006 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Titration of Free Chlorine: The procedure for determining the "free chlorine" concentration in bleach using sodium thiosulphate, iodine displacement, and titration to calculate the concentration of chlorine in the bleach sample.
2. Concentration and Value Comparison: Calculation of the concentration of free chlorine in both "Superclean" and "Germfree" bleach and comparing their cost-effectiveness based on concentration and price per unit.
3. Tests for Organic Compounds: Identifying the type of organic compound in different solutions (alcohol, aldehyde, carboxylic acid, or ketone) through reactions with magnesium, sodium carbonate, 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine, silver nitrate, and potassium dichromate.
4. Gas Tests: Performing gas tests for ammonia, carbon dioxide, chlorine, hydrogen, oxygen, and sulfur dioxide, identifying each based on the reactions and documenting observations to categorize the organic compounds.

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