Chemistry 9701/01 Oct Nov 2007 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Hydrolysis of magnesium chloride, aluminum chloride, and silicon tetrachloride, producing hydroxides and oxides.
2. Titration of chloride ions in meat products, with mole calculations and ionic equations for sodium and potassium chlorides.
3. Iodination of benzene, enthalpy change calculation for iodine formation, and oxidation state changes in iodine and nitrogen.
4. Nitrogen oxide catalysis in acid rain formation, explained through reaction mechanisms and chemical equations.
5. Cu²⁺ electronic configuration, orbital splitting in transition metal complexes, and ammonia's impact on copper complex colors.
6. Curcumin structure, functional group analysis, and reactions with bromine and KMnO₄ for product identification.

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