Chemistry 9701/21 Oct Nov 2010 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Determining the molecular formula of a hydrocarbon, analyzing its combustion products, and the reaction between gases like CO₂ and KOH to infer gas identity.
2. Understanding the Haber process for ammonia production, including key operating conditions such as temperature and pressure, and the effects of nitrogenous fertilizer use on eutrophication.
3. Analysis of pollutants in internal combustion engines like CO and NO, their formation, hazards, and the role of catalytic converters in reducing these pollutants.
4. Crude oil separation, cracking of long-chain hydrocarbons to produce smaller molecules, isomerism in pentane, and the calculation of boiling points based on molecular structure.
5. Defining enthalpy changes in combustion experiments, applying experimental data to calculate the relative molecular mass of substances, and determining the molecular formula from combustion data.
6. Reactions of halogenoalkanes, their identification, and reaction conditions used for different transformations, with a focus on the effects of halide types on reactivity.
7. Properties and environmental concerns of CFCs, their breakdown in the atmosphere, and the subsequent harmful effects.
8. Production and analysis of hydrogen halides, discussing the use of phosphoric acid versus concentrated sulfuric acid in their synthesis and the reasons for choosing specific reagents.

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