Chemistry 9701/52 Oct Nov 2010 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Sodium Chloride and Lead Nitrate Precipitation: Investigation of stoichiometry using varying volumes of sodium chloride, observing the formation of lead chloride, and measuring precipitate mass.
2. Titration Experiment Design: Determining the reaction stoichiometry by titration of sodium chloride with a known concentration of lead nitrate.
3. Error Analysis and Control: Discussing factors such as limiting reagent and measurement errors in volumetric analysis, emphasizing controlled variables in the experiment.
4. Freezing Point Depression Study: Studying the freezing point depression of water with solutes like glucose, calculating molality, and examining experimental procedures for accuracy.
5. Qualitative Analysis of Ions: Testing unknown solutions for ions using reagents like barium chloride, silver nitrate, and sodium hydroxide, observing precipitate formation and solubility changes.

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