Chemistry 9701/12 Oct Nov 2011 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Chemical Reactions and Bond Energies: Reactions of halogens with hydrogen, bond energy data calculations, and comparison of chlorine and bromine reaction enthalpies.
2. Reactions with Methane: Conditions and bond energy calculations for halogenation of methane, including the challenge of synthesizing iodomethane.
3. Homolytic Fission: Explanation of homolytic fission and formation of organic radicals in halogenated compounds.
4. Halogenoalkanes and Isomerism: Structural isomerism and chirality in chloroalkanes, analysis of chiral centers in molecules.
5. Rate Laws and Reaction Kinetics: Determination of reaction order, rate equation derivation, and calculation of rate constants for acetal formation and related reactions.
6. Equilibrium and Reaction Constants: Determining equilibrium concentrations, writing equilibrium expressions, and calculating the equilibrium constant (Kc) from given data.
7. Protein Structure and Stereoisomerism: Describing protein structures, stereoisomerism in organic molecules, and structural elucidation through techniques like electrophoresis and X-ray crystallography.
8. Polymers and Environmental Impact: Discussion of polymers' properties, their environmental impact, disposal strategies, and the difference between thermosetting and thermoplastic polymers.

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