Chemistry 9701/41 Oct Nov 2011 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Reactions of Halogens with Hydrogen: Descriptions of the reactions of chlorine and bromine with hydrogen, enthalpy change calculations using bond energies, and the impact of bond strength on the ΔH values.
2. Halogen Reactions with Methane: Conditions for halogenation, reaction energetics, and the challenge of synthesizing iodomethane.
3. Homolytic Fission: Explanation of homolytic fission and identification of organic radicals, and the influence of radical formation in halogenated compounds.
4. Organic Halogenoalkanes: Structural isomerism of chloroalkanes, identification of chiral centers, and molecular behavior in reactions.
5. Acetal Formation: Detailed analysis of acetal formation from ethanal and methanol, rate law determination, and equilibrium constant calculation for the reaction.
6. Electrophoresis: Application of electrophoresis in protein analysis, factors affecting amino acid migration, and structure determination through protein sequencing.
7. X-ray Crystallography: Insights into structural analysis using X-ray crystallography for proteins and cysteine, factors influencing atom detection, and interpretation of crystallographic data.

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