Chemistry 9701/52 May June 2012 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Ammonium Nitrate Decomposition: Predicting changes in nitrogen(I) oxide and water vapor moles as ammonium nitrate is heated at 25°C and 110°C, graphing predictions for moles of products.
2. Experimental Design for Decomposition: Apparatus for heating ammonium nitrate, collecting nitrogen(I) oxide and water, step-by-step procedure for testing predictions, and calculating volumes and masses for the decomposition reaction.
3. Hazard Management: Identifying hazards associated with ammonium nitrate, safety precautions, and appropriate experimental design to minimize risks.
4. Boyle's Law and Gas Behavior: Investigation of carbon dioxide's behavior under changing pressure and volume, plotting and analyzing gas behavior, verifying Boyle's law and addressing anomalies in data points.

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