Chemistry 9701/53 May June 2012 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Sodium Hydroxide and Copper(II) Sulfate Reaction: Investigation of the molar ratio, concentration effects on copper(II) hydroxide precipitation, experimental design for varying concentrations, and safety considerations.
2. Charles's Law Verification: Experiment to test gas volume-temperature relationship at constant pressure, calculation of volumes, graphical data analysis for anomalous points, and evaluation of Charles's law validity.
3. Sulfuric Acid and Sodium Chloride: Reaction observations, definitions of strong acids, comparison with sodium iodide, silver nitrate test for halide ions, and differences in halide behavior.
4. Hydrogen Production via Steam Reforming: Effect of pressure and temperature on equilibrium, rate of reaction adjustments, water-gas shift reaction and equilibrium constant calculations.
5. Organic Reactions with Alcohols and Carbonyl Compounds: Reactions with NaBH₄, Tollens’ reagent, KOH, Cr₂O₇²⁻/H⁺, and PCl₅, color changes and results, functional group transformations.
6. C4H8O Isomerism and Reactions: Structural isomer identification, cis-trans isomerism, chiral centers, and reactions with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine and Fehling’s solution.

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