Chemistry 9701/22 Oct Nov 2012 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Zinc Salts and Reactions: Hydrated zinc sulfate preparation, calculation of moles in hydrated zinc sulfate, mass of zinc ethanoate for daily zinc intake, concentration calculation for zinc solution.
2. Thermal Stability of Hydrides: Variation in thermal stability of halide hydrides from HCl to HI, explanation of trend, and factors affecting the stability.
3. Haber Process: Equation for ammonia synthesis, essential operating conditions, large-scale use of ammonia.
4. Ammonia Preparation: Reaction of ammonium chloride and calcium hydroxide to produce ammonia, drying agents, structure of ammonium ion, its formation, and bonding.
5. Organic Reactions: Reactions of alcohols, carbonyl compounds, and carboxylic acids with common reagents, color changes, and identification of functional groups.
6. Functional Groups in Organic Compounds: Analysis of functional groups in C₄H₈O₂ based on reactions with sodium, sodium hydrogencarbonate, and bromine, as well as stereoisomerism in isomers.

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