Chemistry 9701/34 Oct Nov 2012 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Rate determination of the reaction between acidified hydrogen peroxide and iodide ions using varying concentrations of H₂O₂.
2. Relationship analysis between H₂O₂ concentration and reaction rate through experimental data and graph plotting.
3. Effect of sodium thiosulfate concentration on reaction time and mechanistic explanations using iodide and iodine equations.
4. Factors affecting reaction rates beyond reagent volumes, including temperature, catalyst presence, and solution mixing.
5. Reproducibility and statistical analysis of reaction time data with mean and uncertainty calculations.
6. Experimental design for investigating rate dependence on potassium iodide and sulfuric acid concentrations with controlled parameters.
7. Qualitative tests for cation and anion identification in solutions, with observations of precipitate formation and solubility in NaOH and NH₃.
8. Differentiation between sulfates and sulfites using specific reagents and stepwise confirmation through additional reactions.
9. Identification of compound types using observations from chemical reactivity with acid, peroxide, and esterification tests.

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