Chemistry 9701/11 May June 2013 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Oxidation states of chlorine in chlorate(I), chlorate(V), and chloride ions, with stoichiometric and reaction-specific analysis.
2. Electrolysis of aluminum from molten alumina-cryolite mixture, examining anode consumption and cathode reactions.
3. Reactions involving bond enthalpy calculations for methane combustion and magnesium nitrate decomposition.
4. Trends in Group II hydroxides and sulfates solubility, with comparative analysis of magnesium and barium compounds.
5. Mechanisms in organic reactions, including SN2 substitution, catalytic effects, and electrophilic addition with bromine.
6. Optical and structural isomerism, analyzing cis-trans and chiral centers in organic compounds.
7. Environmental and practical applications of compounds like sodium hydroxide, sodium lactate, and sulfur dioxide in chemical processes and industrial uses.

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