Chemistry 9701/35 May June 2013 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Enthalpy change calculation for hydration reactions, including dissolution of anhydrous and hydrated magnesium sulfate in water with temperature change measurements.
2. Graphical analysis of temperature change over time to estimate theoretical maximum temperature change during dissolution reactions.
3. Error analysis in calorimetry experiments, addressing thermometer precision and percentage error in temperature measurements.
4. Comparison of enthalpy changes for hydration and dissolution processes to deduce overall reaction enthalpy using Hess's Law.
5. Identification of cations and anions in aqueous salt solutions (FA3, FA4, FA5) using qualitative analysis methods with sodium hydroxide, ammonia, and barium chloride reagents.
6. Detection of ammonium ions using ammonia production and subsequent identification tests, leveraging solutions from earlier reactions.
7. Systematic identification of anions such as sulfate, chloride, and nitrate using selective precipitation and solubility tests with appropriate reagents.

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