Chemistry 9701/41 Oct Nov 2013 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Bonding in ammonium chloride, dot-and-cross diagram, drying of ammonia using CaO, reactions of Group II nitrates, thermal stability trends.
2. Melting point trends in Group IV elements, reactivity and thermal decomposition of SiCl₄, PbCl₄, and SnO₂, equations for amphoteric behavior of SnO₂.
3. Brønsted-Lowry acid-base theory, dynamic equilibrium concepts, buffer solution mechanisms using weak acids and their conjugate bases.
4. Calculation of pH for propanoic acid solutions, buffer preparation with sodium hydroxide, reactivity of phenyl propanoate, reaction intermediates.
5. Bond energy trends in halogenoalkanes, C-X bond strength versus reactivity, environmental impact of CFCs on ozone, chlorination mechanisms for ethane.
6. Polymerization of acrylic acid (hydrogel formation), structural changes in bond angles, superabsorbent polymer-water interaction, conversion between acrylic acid and amides.
7. Amino acid polymerization to peptides, bonding in protein secondary/tertiary structures, enzyme inhibition by competitive and non-competitive inhibitors, graphical reaction rate analysis.
8. Electrophoresis apparatus and influencing factors, partition coefficient concepts, ion removal using CaCO₃, nitrate and phosphate pollution origins and effects on ecosystems.
9. Acid rain formation from SO₂, industrial sulfur dioxide sources, chemical and ecological implications of acid rain.

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