Chemistry 9701/11 May June 2014 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Identification of element X with six unpaired electrons. Calculation of iodine vapor temperature using the ideal gas law. Hess's Law application to enthalpy cycles for combustion and formation reactions.
2. Giant covalent structure determination from melting point, boiling point, and conductivity data. Enthalpy calculation for neutralization reactions using specific heat capacity and temperature change.
3. Reaction mechanisms and bond angle changes during molecular transformations like AlCl₃ to Al₂Cl₆. Equilibrium constant application to \\(\\text{H}_2 + \\text{I}_2 \\leftrightharpoons 2\\text{HI}\\).
4. Thermal decomposition trends of Group II nitrates. Reaction yield and enthalpy discussions for sulfur dioxide oxidation in the Contact process.
5. Organic reaction identification, such as hydrolysis of esters and production of cyanohydrins. Structural and stereochemical analysis of organic molecules, including isomerism and reactivity differences.
6. Reaction kinetics, rate-affecting factors, and Boltzmann distribution illustrations. Effects of catalysts on activation energy and rate enhancement.
7. Functional group behavior in organic compounds like alcohols, esters, and diols. Oxidation products, reactivity with reagents, and yield analysis for synthesis reactions.

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