Chemistry 9701/12 May June 2014 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Boltzmann distribution and temperature effects on molecular energy, focusing on activation energy and peak height changes.
2. Classification of solid lattices (ionic, simple molecular, giant molecular) based on physical properties like melting point and electrical conductivity.
3. Enthalpy of combustion calculation using formation enthalpies for CH₄, CO₂, and H₂O.
4. Equilibrium constant (Kp) determination for reversible reactions with given partial pressures, analyzing gas mixtures at equilibrium.
5. Reaction kinetics illustrated by alterations in experimental conditions for hydrogen peroxide decomposition using a catalyst.
6. Identification of oxidizing agents in reactions involving electron transfer and redox processes.
7. Structural and reactivity trends in Period 3 oxides and hydroxides, including solubility and pH changes.
8. Organic reactions involving esters, halogenoalkanes, and alcohols, with mechanisms like nucleophilic substitution, elimination, and ester hydrolysis.
9. Environmental concerns about PVC disposal, emphasizing chemical degradation and byproduct emissions during combustion.
10. Chiral centers and stereochemistry in complex organic molecules like artemisinin, focusing on reaction pathways and functional group behavior.

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