Chemistry 9701/21 May June 2014 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Ionization energy trends and group classification in the periodic table, including electronic configuration predictions for specific elements.
2. Periodic behavior of chlorides, focusing on reactivity and hydrolysis, with detailed structural and bonding explanations.
3. Redox titrations of iron(II) sulfate with potassium manganate(VII), involving stoichiometric calculations and hydration degree determination.
4. Halogen chemistry, including reactivity, precipitate formation with silver nitrate, and boiling point trends among halides.
5. Diaphragm cell processes for the electrolysis of brine, identification of products, and electrode reaction equations.
6. Reaction mechanisms for alkanes and alkenes with bromine, polymerization of chloroethene to PVC, and stepwise organic transformations with skeletal and displayed formulas.

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