Chemistry 9701/22 Oct Nov 2014 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Trends in ionization energy and electron configuration down Group 2, with specific analysis of Sr mass spectrum for isotopic abundances and atomic mass calculation.
2. Identification of an oxidizing agent and empirical formula derivation for Ba compounds used in pyrotechnics based on percentage composition.
3. Magnesium reaction sequence to generate various compounds, equations for reactions with water and nitric acid, and thermal conversions for synthesis of intermediates.
4. Contact process for sulfuric acid production, including Le Chatelier’s Principle, reaction kinetics, and Kp calculation for SO₂ to SO₃ conversion.
5. Structural isomerism and reactions of C₄H₈ compounds with bromine and KMnO₄, identifying functional groups, stereoisomers, and oxidation products.
6. Propanoic acid reactions involving reduction, esterification, and acid-carbonate interactions, with product identification and reaction condition optimization.

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