Chemistry 9701/23 Oct Nov 2014 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Ionization energy trends in Group VII elements; decreasing first ionization energy down the group due to increased shielding and distance, and increasing successive ionization energies in fluorine.
2. Boiling point trends in Group VII elements influenced by van der Waals' forces; increasing down the group due to larger electron clouds and higher molar masses.
3. Interhalogen compounds; molecular formula determination from percentage composition, dot-and-cross diagrams, and polarity analysis.
4. Reaction pathways of chlorine compounds; identification of intermediate species (W, X, Y, Z), equations for chlorine with NaOH, and oxidation state changes.
5. Haber process dynamics; Le Chatelier’s principle effects of temperature on equilibrium and kinetics, equilibrium constant expression, and Kp calculation from equilibrium data.
6. Structural isomerism in C5H10 compounds; identification of isomers, stereoisomerism definitions, displayed formulas of geometrical isomers, and reactions with reagents like KMnO4 and NaBH4.
7. Organic reaction mechanisms involving propan-1-ol; oxidation to propanoic acid, hydration, and conversion to propene, with specific reagent and condition requirements.

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