Chemistry 9701/13 May June 2015 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Boltzmann energy distribution and activation energy, catalyzed vs. uncatalyzed reactions, and their impact on collision frequency and reaction rates.
2. Ideal gas law applications in determining molecular identities, including gas behavior and molar volume calculations.
3. Thermochemistry involving enthalpy changes of combustion and formation with Hess’s law applications.
4. Structural differences in molecules leading to varying shapes, bond angles, and polarity effects, including examples like SF4, BeCl2, and CH4.
5. Reaction mechanisms and energy profiles for substitution and elimination reactions in alkyl halides, including SN1 and SN2 pathways.
6. Electrochemistry in diaphragm cells, preventing undesired side reactions during electrolysis, and extraction methods for reactive metals like barium.
7. Reactivity of lithium and magnesium compounds, including thermal decomposition and reactivity trends linked to ionic radii.
8. Oxidation reactions involving organic compounds with functional groups (e.g., alcohols, aldehydes), analyzing reaction products and mechanisms.
9. Chiral centers in complex organic molecules, stereochemistry, and optical isomerism in compounds like aspartame and substituted aromatics.
10. Advanced spectroscopy and mechanistic studies, such as identifying hydrolysis rates and analyzing bond energy trends in halogenoalkanes.

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