Chemistry 9701/35 May June 2015 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Determination of water of crystallization in FeNH₄(SO₄)₂·xH₂O, iodine-thiosulfate titration, stoichiometric calculations, balanced redox equations.
2. Hess's Law application to calculate enthalpy changes, experimental determination of reaction enthalpies for Zn and Fe with CuSO₄, temperature change precision, error analysis.
3. Qualitative analysis of ions in solutions, identification of cations and anions through precipitation, solubility, and confirmatory tests, reactions with NH₃, AgNO₃, and H₂SO₄.
4. Gas evolution and identification tests for SO₂, CO₂, NH₃, and Cl₂, qualitative reactions with Ba²⁺, H⁺, and halides.

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