Chemistry 9701/11 Oct Nov 2015 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Successive ionization energy trends for element identification and predictions of compound formulas based on ionic configurations.
2. Conditions influencing ammonia production in the Haber process, including catalysts, pressure, and temperature effects on equilibrium and reaction rates.
3. Reaction stoichiometry and gas volume calculations for sulfur-based compounds hydrolyzed in water, including oxygen evolution at standard conditions.
4. Molecular interactions and boiling point disparities between isoelectronic molecules like N₂ and CO, focusing on dipole moments and polarizability.
5. Energetics of Period 3 oxides and acid-base reactions, determining identities of oxides via neutralization with NaOH solutions.
6. Structural isomerism in alkanes and esters, with emphasis on physical property variations such as boiling points due to branching and molecular geometry.

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