Chemistry 9701/42 March 2016 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Energies and electronic configurations of carbon, carbon ions, and hybridization in buckminsterfullerene (C₆₀), with reaction predictions for hydrogenation.
2. Reagents, mechanisms, and products for methylbenzene reactions, including chlorination with stoichiometry and mechanism classifications.
3. Born-Haber cycle for calcium chloride lattice energy calculation, entropy changes with temperature, and feasibility of MgCO₃ decomposition using Gibbs free energy.
4. Transition metal complexes, including structures, isomerism, stability constants (Kstab), and anticancer drug efficacy linked to cisplatin stereochemistry.
5. Kinetics and mechanisms of ethanal dimerization, reaction order analysis, rate equations, and rate-determining step predictions based on proposed mechanisms.
6. Reactions of chromium ions in redox systems, feasibility evaluations using electrode potentials, and applications in electroplating.

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