Chemistry 9701/51 Oct Nov 2016 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
### Key Topics:
1. Titration and Precipitation Reactions:
- Determining the concentration of chloride ions in a solution using silver nitrate and a potassium chromate indicator.
- Calculating the mass of silver chloride produced in a titration.
2. Chemical Reactions and Mechanisms:
- Planning a titration experiment to determine the value of \\(x\\) in BaCl₂·\\(x\\)H₂O.
- Describing the procedure for making a solution of barium chloride and detailing the correct order of adding solutions in the titration.
3. Data Analysis and Graphing:
- Processing experimental data, plotting graphs, and analyzing the reaction between sucrose and water to determine reaction rates using a polarimeter.
- Calculating the rate constant from the graph and determining the half-life of the reaction.
4. Hazard Identification and Safety:
- Identifying hazards associated with the chemicals used in the experiment and suggesting precautions to minimize risks.
5. Calculation of Experimental Results:
- Determining the value of \\(x\\) in hydrated barium chloride based on given concentrations and experimental results.

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