Chemistry 9701/42 March 2017 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Silicon and its Chloride: Calculating the atomic mass of silicon from its mass spectrum, writing equations for the reaction of silicon chloride with water, and explaining the differences in the boiling point of silicon chloride compared to its oxide.
2. Group 2 Element Reactions: Understanding the reactions of Group 2 elements, such as magnesium and calcium, with water and oxygen, writing corresponding equations, and calculating the enthalpy changes for these reactions.
3. Titration and Stoichiometry: Determining the percentage purity of sodium hydrogencarbonate by titration, calculating moles of sulfuric acid and sodium hydrogencarbonate, and discussing the experimental errors and their effects.
4. Decomposition of Sodium Hydrogencarbonate: Investigating the thermal decomposition of sodium hydrogencarbonate, calculating the mass of the solid product, and explaining the decomposition mechanism.
5. Electrochemical Cells: Understanding the measurement of standard electrode potentials, writing equilibrium expressions, and applying the Nernst equation to determine the electrode potential in different scenarios.
6. Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis: Analyzing the rate law for the reaction between chlorine dioxide and hydroxide ions, determining the reaction order, and explaining the use of catalysts in various reactions.
7. Organic Reactions: Drawing reaction mechanisms for organic compounds, identifying reaction types such as electrophilic substitution, and using spectroscopic data to deduce molecular structures.
8. Mass Spectrometry and NMR: Interpreting mass spectrometry, infrared, and proton NMR spectra to identify molecular structure and functional groups, and comparing isomeric compounds based on spectral data.

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