Chemistry 9701/33 May June 2017 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Sodium Hydrogencarbonate Purity Determination: Using titration with sulfuric acid to calculate the purity of an impure sodium hydrogencarbonate sample, performing various steps including measuring mass, calculating moles, and determining the percentage purity.
2. Decomposition of Sodium Hydrogencarbonate: Investigating the thermal decomposition of sodium hydrogencarbonate, calculating the mass of sodium hydrogencarbonate used, and determining the mass of the decomposition product.
3. Safety and Experimental Improvements: Identifying hazards and suggesting safety precautions for handling lead oxides and sodium hydrogencarbonate, and proposing improvements to the experimental setup for accuracy and reliability.
4. Qualitative Analysis of Solutions: Using various reagents to identify ions in solutions, observing color changes, and determining chemical formulas based on experimental results.
5. Analysis of Organic Compounds: Performing calculations related to the preparation of standard solutions, understanding the behavior of acids and bases, and using NMR data to deduce the structure of organic compounds.

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