Chemistry 9701/34 May June 2017 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Enthalpy Change for Reaction of Weak Acid: Determining the enthalpy change when magnesium reacts with ethanoic acid, drawing the experimental setup, analyzing temperature data, and calculating the heat energy evolved during the reaction.
2. Enthalpy Change for Strong Acid Reaction: Calculating the enthalpy change when magnesium reacts with hydrochloric acid, considering reaction conditions, and evaluating the effects of using sulfuric acid instead of hydrochloric acid.
3. Energy for Ionization of Weak Acid: Using data from the reaction of magnesium with ethanoic acid and hydrochloric acid to calculate the energy required to completely ionize ethanoic acid.
4. Effect of Stronger Acid on Enthalpy: Comparing the enthalpy change for the reaction of magnesium with ethanoic acid and trichloroethanoic acid, explaining the differences in exothermicity due to acid strength.
5. Experimental Method for Determining Ionization Energy: Suggesting improvements to the experimental setup and safety precautions for working with corrosive acids, ensuring reliable results.
6. Qualitative Analysis of Salts: Identifying ions in various salts through qualitative tests, interpreting observations such as color changes, precipitate formation, and solubility in reagents.

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