Chemistry 9701/12 Oct Nov 2017 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Atomic Structure and Isotopes: Identifying atoms with the same number of neutrons, understanding ionization energies, and comparing molecular formulas.
2. Reaction Mechanisms: Understanding reactions involving compounds like sodium azide and potassium nitrate in airbags and predicting the outcome of their decomposition.
3. Bonding and Molecular Geometry: Predicting the shapes and bond angles of molecules like ethane, PCl₃, and AlCl₃.
4. Thermodynamics and Equilibria: Calculating enthalpy changes for reactions, explaining the effects of temperature on reaction rates and equilibrium, and understanding dynamic equilibrium.
5. Periodic Trends: Explaining trends in ionization energy, reactivity, and solubility across Groups 2 and 17 of the periodic table.
6. Organic Chemistry: Discussing reactions of hydrocarbons, functional groups, and polymerization, and understanding organic reaction types like substitution and addition.

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