Chemistry 9701/12 March 2018 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
This document is a Cambridge International A-Level Chemistry exam paper (9701/12), Paper 1 (Multiple Choice) from February/March 2018. It consists of 40 multiple-choice questions on various chemistry topics, including:
1. Atomic Structure and Bonding: Identifying the shape of molecules like water and boron trifluoride, understanding hybridization and electron configurations.
2. Gas Laws: Applying the ideal gas law and calculating pressure, temperature, or volume of gases in given conditions.
3. Thermodynamics and Enthalpy: Interpreting enthalpy changes, Hess's Law, and calculating the heat released or absorbed in chemical reactions.
4. Redox Reactions: Identifying oxidation states, recognizing redox reactions, and understanding the roles of substances in redox processes.
5. Reaction Mechanisms and Isomerism: Discussing substitution, elimination reactions, and types of isomerism such as structural and stereoisomerism.
6. Organic Chemistry: Reactions of alcohols, aldehydes, and alkyl halides, including identifying products from given reactions like esterification or nucleophilic substitution.
7. Halogen Reactions: Understanding halogen reactivity, such as the displacement reactions of iodine by chlorine and precipitation reactions with silver nitrate.

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