Chemistry 9701/11 May June 2018 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Acid-Base Titration: Identifying whether acid Z is monoprotic or diprotic by titration with sodium hydroxide, calculating moles of H+ and NaOH, and using the data to determine the molecular characteristics of acid Z.
2. Enthalpy Change of Neutralization: Measuring the enthalpy change of neutralization of monoprotic acid X by using sodium hydroxide, recording temperature changes, and calculating the energy released and enthalpy change per mole.
3. Group 2 Element Identification: Determining the identity of Group 2 element Y by heating hydrated sulfate and calculating the relative atomic mass (Ar) of Y from mass data and moles of the residue formed.
4. Reaction Mechanisms and Bonding: Analyzing various reaction mechanisms, including nucleophilic substitution and the role of catalysts, and explaining their effects on reaction rates and products.
5. Electrolysis and Redox Reactions: Writing ionic equations for electrolysis, explaining oxidation and reduction processes, and identifying redox reactions during electrolysis experiments.
6. Organic Reactions: Exploring esterification, alcohol reactions, and NMR spectrum analysis to identify compounds, and interpreting chemical properties like chirality and functional group reactivity.

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