Chemistry 9701/22 May June 2018 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
This document is from the Cambridge International A Level Chemistry exam (9701/22), Paper 2 (AS Level Structured Questions) from May/June 2018. It consists of various questions that assess knowledge in areas such as:
1. Reactions of Sodium and Magnesium: Understanding their reactivity with water and the resulting products.
2. Group 2 Elements: Discussing trends in reactivity, physical properties, and reactivity with oxygen and sulfuric acid, with detailed explanations and equations.
3. Ammonium Iron(II) Sulfate: Exploring its composition, chemical reactions (oxidation and reduction), and calculation of formula mass.
4. Fuel Reactions and Hydrocarbons: Discussing the combustion of hydrocarbons, the need for refining, and polymerization processes such as the production of polymers from but-2-ene.
5. Environmental Chemistry: Including the removal of pollutants like CO, NO2, and unburnt hydrocarbons from vehicle exhaust, and the impact of sulfur in fuels.
6. Reaction Mechanisms and Isomerism: Describing reactions such as nucleophilic addition, identifying the mechanisms and isomerism types, and understanding the environmental consequences of certain reactions.

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