Chemistry 9701/51 Oct Nov 2018 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
The file you uploaded is from a Chemistry exam (Paper 5: Planning, Analysis, and Evaluation) for Cambridge International A-Level Chemistry (9701/51), October/November 2018. It contains questions related to the planning and evaluation of laboratory experiments, including:
1. The Finkelstein Reaction: Discussing the role of dry propanone as a solvent, explaining the high yield despite the reaction being reversible due to solubility differences, and calculating masses of NaI and propanone for the reaction.
2. Safety Precautions: Identifying safety precautions for handling chemicals like propanone, 1-bromopropane, and 1-iodopropane.
3. Rate of Reaction: Setting up an experiment to measure the rate of reaction and its dependence on NaI concentration, calculating data, and evaluating experimental inaccuracies.
4. SN2 Mechanism: Discussing how the rate law changes when using an isomer of CH3CH2CH2Br that reacts via both SN1 and SN2 mechanisms.
5. Solubility Product (Ksp) Measurement: Using a concentration cell to determine the solubility product of silver chloride (AgCl), including working with cell potentials and preparing solutions.
6. Experimental Setup and Calculations: Discussing the preparation of silver ion solutions, performing titrations, and analyzing data related to the solubility of AgCl at different temperatures.

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