Chemistry 9701/52 March 2019 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Hydrogen Peroxide and Iodide Reaction: Determining the mass of KI for a known solution concentration, preparing solutions, and measuring the volume for accurate titration.
2. Filtration and Separation: Describing the filtration process under reduced pressure and explaining the benefits over gravity filtration.
3. Mass and Moles of Silver Chloride: Calculating the mass and moles of silver chloride formed, determining the number of moles, and identifying the Group 2 metal chloride.
4. Drying Process and Contamination: Ensuring the drying process of the residue is complete and addressing the effects of using tap water versus distilled water for dissolving Group 2 chloride.
5. Chemical Reactions: Writing ionic equations and understanding the effect of different solvents on the formation of precipitates and their molar mass determinations.

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