Chemistry 9701/43 May June 2019 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Copper(II) reactions: Ionic equations and product details for copper(II) salt reactions with sodium hydroxide and concentrated hydrochloric acid, including color changes and product states.
2. Empirical formula determination: Calculating the empirical formula of a sulfur chloride based on titration data with silver nitrate and moles of chloride ions.
3. Group 2 nitrates and amides: Decomposition equations for strontium nitrate and calcium amide, predicting decomposition trends across Group 2, and bonding angles for NH₂⁻ using electron-pair repulsion theory.
4. Chlorate(V) reduction: Constructing equations for chlorate(V) reduction with SO₂, disproportionation with hydroxide ions, and explaining disproportionation.
5. Electrochemical calculations: Writing half-equations for lithium-iodine electrochemical cells, calculating cell potentials, and determining lithium depletion time from current data.
6. Atomic orbitals and transition elements: Identifying orbital types, explaining why cadmium is not a transition element, and defining monodentate ligands.
7. Coordination chemistry: Drawing isomers of cadmium complexes, understanding stability constants, and predicting effects of temperature on equilibrium concentrations of complexes.
8. Organic chemistry with methylamine: Reactions of methylamine with ethanoyl chloride, propanone, and understanding the types of reactions involved.
9. Rate law and mechanism determination: Using experimental data to determine reaction order, write rate equations, and calculate rate constants for reactions involving chlorate(I) ions.
10. Polymer and ester chemistry: Drawing structures for nylon-6 and its repeat units, identifying alkene monomers for co-polymers, and explaining the biodegradability of polyamides compared to polyalkenes.

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