Chemistry 9701/23 Oct Nov 2019 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Electrochemical Cells: Calculating the electrode potentials of the Sn4+/Sn2+ half-cell and the overall cell potential using the Nernst equation, and writing the equation for the overall cell reaction.
2. Aluminum Production: Determining the mass of aluminum produced by electrolysis with a known current and time duration.
3. Disproportionation Reactions: Explaining the disproportionation reaction of chlorine with sodium hydroxide and identifying the products of this reaction.
4. Chlorine in Water Purification: Describing the use of chlorine in water purification, including its role in disinfection.
5. Free-Radical Substitution of Chlorine and Ethane: Writing the equation for the free-radical substitution reaction between chlorine and ethane, and identifying the required conditions for this reaction.
6. Oxides of Period 3 Elements: Explaining the trends in boiling points, bonding, and structures of various Period 3 oxides.
7. Reactivity Trends in Group 2: Explaining the trends in reactivity and thermal stability of Group 2 metal compounds, including their behavior with water and in decomposition reactions.
8. Viscosity and Molecular Mass: Analyzing viscosity data to calculate the mean molecular mass of poly(phenylethene), and discussing the effects of temperature on viscosity.
9. Hydrolysis of Tripeptide: Describing the conditions for hydrolyzing a tripeptide and identifying the resulting amino acids.
10. Synthesis and Reactions of Butamben: Explaining the reactions of butamben with different reagents, including the mechanisms and products formed.
11. Mass Spectrometry and NMR Analysis: Interpreting mass spectra and proton NMR spectra for compounds like butamben, including the identification of functional groups and isomeric forms.

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