Chemistry 9701/22 May June 2020 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Mass spectrometry and atomic structure: Relative atomic mass calculation, subatomic particle differences in isotopes, orbital arrangements, and bonding in gallium compounds.
2. Reaction mechanisms and stoichiometry: Oxidation-reduction reactions, balancing equations, and mole ratio calculations for CuSO4 reactions.
3. Disproportionation reactions: Explanation and identification of disproportionation in nitrogen oxides, including electron transfer and oxidation states.
4. Environmental chemistry and pollution: Nitrogen monoxide effects on air quality, and NOx as a homogeneous catalyst in sulfur dioxide oxidation.
5. Organic reactions and functional groups: Ester hydrolysis, reaction mechanisms (e.g., SN2), and structural isomerism in organic compounds.
6. Alkene reactions: Electrophilic addition, elimination mechanisms, and the identification of products and intermediates in reactions with halogenoalkanes.

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