Chemistry 9701/12 Oct Nov 2020 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Oxidation States and Reactions: Understanding the average oxidation numbers of sulfur in compounds, reactions of manganese ores, and the application of oxidation states to predict chemical behavior.
2. Gaseous Reactions and Rate Constants: Calculating rate constants, reaction orders, and applying rate laws to determine concentrations and rates of reactions.
3. Redox Reactions and Mechanisms: Investigating mechanisms for reactions such as peroxodisulfate with iodide ions and calculating concentrations using integrated rate laws.
4. Lattice Energy and Bonding: Understanding lattice energies of ionic compounds and predicting lattice energy values based on trends in ion size and charge.
5. Electrolysis and Reaction Conditions: Describing products of electrolysis, calculating volumes of gases liberated, and understanding standard electrode potentials.
6. Acid-Base Calculations: Calculating pH, pKa, and using equations to determine the behavior of acids and bases in solutions.
7. Coordination Chemistry: Identifying color changes, geometries, and bonding in metal complexes, with a focus on isomerism and coordination numbers.
8. Polymerization and Organic Chemistry: Understanding reactions that form polymers, such as those involving diaminopropane, and identifying functional groups and reaction mechanisms in organic compounds.
9. Spectroscopy and Fragmentation: Interpreting mass spectra and NMR spectra to identify chemical structures and functional groups in organic compounds.
10. Synthesis and Reagents: Analyzing organic syntheses, such as the production of phenol and its derivatives, and understanding the reagents and conditions required for each step.

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