Chemistry 9701/41 Oct Nov 2020 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Reaction Rates and Rate Constants: Analysis of the reaction between nitrogen monoxide and oxygen, calculating the rate constant (k) and determining concentration values using experimental data.
2. Mechanism and Rate-Determining Step: Suggestions for the mechanism of the reaction between peroxodisulfate and iodide ions, identifying the rate-determining step and calculating ion concentrations over time.
3. Lattice Energy and Ionic Compounds: Understanding lattice energies, predicting values for magnesium oxide and barium oxide, and explaining solubility trends down Group 2.
4. Electrolysis of Sodium Chloride and Sulfate Solutions: Determining substances liberated at the anode and cathode during electrolysis and calculating the volume and mass of products like chlorine and sodium.
5. Electrode Potentials and Oxidation: Measurement of standard electrode potentials, explaining half-cell reactions, and identifying substances for oxidation in redox reactions.
6. Acid-Base Calculations: Determining pH, calculating concentrations, and understanding partition coefficients and solubility equilibria.
7. Coordination Chemistry: Identifying colors and geometries of metal complex ions, understanding stereoisomerism, and writing relevant equations for reactions with ligands like ammonia and chloride.
8. Polymerization and Organic Chemistry: Understanding polymerization processes, including the formation of polypeptides, drawing molecular structures, and calculating stereoisomerism.
9. Structural Analysis and Functional Groups: Identifying functional groups in organic compounds like phenol, analyzing reaction mechanisms, and determining NMR and mass spectrometry data for compound identification.

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