Chemistry 9701/52 March 2021 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Preparation and Titration Procedures: Steps for preparing solutions, including the determination of enthalpy changes for reactions and the analysis of titration results to find concentrations.
2. Determining Moles and Calculations: Methods for calculating the moles of substances in solutions, using titration data to find unknown concentrations and apply stoichiometric relationships.
3. Quantitative Analysis Techniques: Instructions on performing redox titrations, the calculation of molar amounts of oxalate ions, and determining the concentration of potassium manganate(VII) solutions.
4. Experiment Design and Analysis: Suggestions on improving experimental techniques, such as using appropriate volumetric apparatus for accurate measurements and minimizing errors in heat loss.
5. Reagent and Chemical Use: Recommendations for appropriate reagents to use in titrations, methods for achieving precise experimental results, and understanding reaction mechanisms.
6. Determining the Structure of Acid Salts: Practical steps for synthesizing and analyzing the structure of an acid salt, including the identification of ions using titration data and calculations.

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