Chemistry 9701/34 May June 2021 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Detailed instructions and calculations for performing a titration to determine the concentration of potassium manganate(VII), including preparation, titration steps, and error analysis.
2. Explanation of the procedures for determining the enthalpy change for the neutralization of ammonia with hydrochloric acid, as well as the enthalpy change of solution of ammonium chloride.
3. Theoretical and practical aspects of titration with sodium thiosulfate, including relevant equations and stoichiometric calculations for determining concentrations and enthalpy changes.
4. Qualitative analysis of anions and cations, including reaction observations with various reagents, and deductions based on these results.
5. Application of Hess's Law for calculating the enthalpy change of reactions and understanding the factors affecting experimental precision, including error analysis for the experimental setup.
6. Identification of compounds and understanding their reactivity based on experimental results, particularly in relation to gases, solubility, and complex ion formation.

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